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Her Loving Black Mistress Page 11

  "How come I find it hard to believe that," he insisted. "Why is it that nothing you tell me strikes me as the truth any longer?"

  "Howard, you're becoming a real bore, you know that," she hissed grimly. She shook her head and sighed. "I don't really care what you believe. Do you understand that? Now I want you to leave me alone before I have to complain to somebody about you. Understand, Howard? Just leave me the fuck alone!"

  With that she left him and stomped away, feeling that she had done enough now to get him out of her hair. She knew that he would be frightened by her threat and wouldn't bother her anymore. She felt a chill go up and down her spine as she realized he was staring intently after her, but she shook off the feeling and set her mind to looking forward to the evening ahead of her.

  Howard grit his teeth and shook his head as he watched her leave. She wasn't going on any God damn vacation, he knew that much. He hurried over to Phyllis's office, determined to get to the bottom of this problem today.

  "I'm going to follow her," he said grimly as he sat down in the chair behind her desk. "I'm going to follow her and see where she goes. I don't care what happens or what I find out, I'm not letting her out of my sight."

  "This would be the time for her to go Tina's route, wouldn't it," sighed Phyllis sighing grimly. "I have this uneasy feeling about everything. I agree, it's time we quit messing around with this."

  "I don't know what to do otherwise," he moaned softly. He shook his head and nervously lit up a cigarette. "I never smoked before all this shit," he laughed sourly. "Now look at me, I'm a wreck."

  Phyllis reached out her hand and touched the side of his cheek. She had grown quite fond of him and if she admitted to herself, she would be perfectly happy if Diana Prine were to disappear for good. She wanted the young man for herself. But that was a foolish and unkind thought and besides, he wouldn't be able to free himself from the girl until he was satisfied that she was all right.

  "I believe it's a good idea. But I don't know about you following her, dear," she said evenly. "She'll be keeping an eye out for you, I think if I stay on her trail, she won't pay any attention to me. I think that's a better idea."

  "I don't know," he groaned. He sighed heavily and wrapped his arms around himself. "I wish I knew why I felt so dangerous about all this. Somehow something horrible is going on and it scares the hell out of me. I don't want you hurt, too!"

  She laughed softly, giving her pretty head a shake. "Don't worry about me, Howard, I'm no hero," she assured him. "I'm not about to mix in anything that might be more than I can handle. I'll just keep my eyes on her, that's all."

  They agreed that she would call him and keep him informed on what was going on. He stood and was about to leave when she caught his hand and pulled it to her lips, kissing it softly with her moist, succulent lips.

  "Trust me, dear, dear, Howard," she whispered sensuously. "I know what I'm doing! Just trust me."

  "I will, I will," he said, smiling down at her. He bent down and pressed his lips to hers in an urgent, passionate kiss. "After this is over... When I can think again..." She shook her head, putting a finger to his lips. "Don't say it, don't say anything," she said softly. "You don't need to. Let's just get this over with, shall we? Then we can talk."

  They parted and Howard went back to his apartment to wait. It was a horrible, lonely afternoon and evening. He could not seem to think or feel anything but the gnawing fear that was eating at his insides. Something evil and deadly was going on between Diana and Lamia Abaddon, he thought. Something he was afraid he could do nothing about. He wished he hadn't let Phyllis do the work he should be doing. He could not shake the fear and dread that it was all wrong, all of it all wrong!

  Phyllis finished the last of her work and walked over to Diana's dorm. She had left a message for the girl that she wanted to see her before she left the campus and she carried along some papers that she had doctored up as an excuse for seeing the girl.

  Diana was carrying a suitcase when she met Phyllis in the large ground floor hall of her building and she was clearly impatient to get going. Phyllis gave her a story about needing her signature on the papers so that she could put in the grade she was giving her.

  "Going home," she asked pleasantly, staring down at the bag. "It must be nice to have some family to go to, mine are all dead," she added warmly.

  "Oh, I'm very sorry," Diana said nervously, trying to remove herself from the scene. "But I'm not going home, I'm taking a trip to California. I'm catching the seven o'clock plane tonight, so if you'll excuse me, Ms. Woodman, I really have to get going."

  "Certainly, certainly," nodded Phyllis. "Don't let me keep you one more minute! Have a nice vacation and I'll see you in a couple of weeks."

  She watched as the girl nodded and left the hall. She waited a few moments then followed after her. She kept a good distance behind her and had to stand in the cold for a few minutes as she watched Diana climb aboard the special bus taking people to the airport.

  When the bus pulled away, Phyllis hurried to her car and slowly followed behind the van, hoping that no one would notice her car in the light snow storm that was beginning to surround the area. She didn't know why she felt so strongly about following the bus but she wasn't surprised when it pulled over a couple of miles out of town and she saw, as she passed the parked van, Diana getting off.

  She prayed the girl had not seen her and went a mile or so down the road until she saw a secondary road and turned off. She backed around and moved her car at a crawling pace back to the place where the girl had left the bus.

  Through the falling flakes she saw the girl standing by the side of the road, her bag in her hand. Suddenly a car pulled up, the long, black model that Lamia Abaddon drove and the girl quickly got inside.

  Phyllis watched as the woman turned around and drove back toward town. There was no reason for her to rush now, she knew exactly where they were going. Taking her time, she drove through the main street and then up to the lonely top of the hill, gently gliding by the drive way of Lamia Abaddon's house just in time to see, through the trees, the lights of the woman's car being shut off.

  She continued driving, heading back toward the bottom of the hill. She parked in front of the bar where she had talked to Howard that bad afternoon and quickly rushed inside. She had to wait a few moments for the telephone to be free and when she finally got to it, she quickly dialed his number.

  "You were right, dear," she said breathlessly when he answered. "She isn't going anywhere. She got on the bus, but Lamia picked her up outside of town and took her back to her house."

  "What are we going to do," Howard groaned in fear and pain. "What are we going to do now? That woman has her under a spell, I swear she does!"

  "Take it easy, darling," cooed Phyllis, lovingly. "You just sit tight while I take a look at what's happening. I'll be back to you in an hour or so, all right?"

  "You be careful, that's all," he warned, his voice tight and constrained. "I don't want something happening to you, too."

  She chuckled happily. "I don't intend to become bewitched, don't worry about that," she laughed. "I'm just going to do a little spying, that's all! I'll get back to you."

  She hung up the phone and got back into her car, driving slowly back up the hill toward the big, hidden house at the top. She parked the car a few hundred feet away and made her way through the trees to the house. From inside she could hear a strange, almost chanting sound, it seemed and she walked around the building, trying to find a window to peer into.

  She was just about to hoist herself up on a window ledge for a better view when she heard footsteps behind her. Her arms were pinned behind her back and a cloth thrown over her eyes.

  "How nice of you to drop in," she heard a laughing voice say in her darkness. "We always can use a few more guests," Lamia Abaddon chuckled, adding, "I hope you'll find what you were looking for!"

  Howard waited for two hours but finally could not stand it anymore. He threw on his coat and m
ade the long walk up the steep hill to Lamia Abaddon's home. He saw Phyllis's car parked down the street when he reached the top and a shiver of pure terror ran through him.

  He quickly made his way through the wet, hard-packed snow to the house. It seemed to be glowing with a thousand lights from within and when he tried the front door, it clicked open with a loud pop.

  He slipped inside, rubbing his hands against the sudden warmth that greeted him. He softly called out Diana and Phyllis's names but his voice merely echoed quietly around the great hall he was standing in. He could hear the sound of chanting coming from another room.

  He followed the hypnotic, vibrant noise, walking along a high, wide hallway, the sound growing nearer and stronger with each step that he took. His heart was beating fast as he reached the end of the hall. A huge set of heavy, wooden, double doors stood in front of him.

  He reached out and touched the handles. His fingers curled around them and he was just about to pull them open when he heard someone coming up behind him. He spun on his heels to see who it was, but before he completed his turn, something hard crashed down on top of his head and the world exploded into a brilliant flash of light that quickly faded into blackness.


  When he swam up out of the darkness, sound and light assaulted his brain with a searing fire of consciousness. His head ached horribly and he found he could barely take a breath. He blinked a couple of times to get the blur out of his eyes and slowly everything came into view.

  He was in a large, lushly decorated room. There were lots of people standing around in robes and masks, chanting. At the other end of the room, beneath a huge statue and altar of a man-goat, looming above them, stood Lamia and the two young women.

  He sucked in his breath in horror as he saw what was going on. Lamia was wearing a plush, red robe. In either of her hands was a golden chain that led to a golden collar around either girl's neck.

  Phyllis and Diana were nude except for the brightly glistening collars and now Lamia forced both of them to their knees in front of her, jangling the chains as she slipped down.

  "Ahhh, I see our curious young man is with us, now," Lamia laughed softly. Her black skin shimmered under the light of a thousand candles and she smiled a cruel, wicked grin. "How nice to have company for our little rite of love!"

  "What the fuck is going on, here," Howard said. He tried to get to his feet but found he was tightly bound to the chair he was sitting in. "Let me loose, you monster! Leave them alone! Let me loose!"

  "Now, now, Howard," cooed the elegant black woman. "Is that anyway to act? After all, I don't remember inviting you or Ms. Woodman to my little ceremony, now did I? The very least you could do is keep your mouth shut!"

  "What are you going to do with us," he hissed violently. "What kind of plans has that sick mind of yours made up for us? Tell me, damn it, tell me!"

  "You, you are going to take a long rest after tonight," she explained in a sly voice. "I have no use for you and it would amuse me to see you shut far away in some spot where you can't meddle in my affairs any longer. As for these two, well, they are about to become brides of my master! They are about to cross the great gulf from which there is no return! Watch as they prepare themselves! Watch as they go through the final act! Watch, watch, watch!"

  Her voice had become a wild, wailing cry and she rattled the chains once again giving the women a command in a tongue that he could not understand.

  Diana and Phyllis turned to each other and Howard wanted to scream as he watched them embrace. Their mouths met in a wet, hungry kiss, their teeth parting as their luscious lips crushed together in a hungry caress. Their tongues slithered and slashed against their teeth, curling and entwining in a loving dance of passion.

  Diana cooed and whispered erotically, her lips fluttering passionately against the other woman's. "Ahhh, yes, now we will become part of the life," she moaned in a deep voice. "As your flesh touches mine, we become part of it! Kiss me, Phyllis, touch me! I need it and you! It and you!"

  Hungrily Phyllis slithered her hand down over the girls rippling back. She ran her fingers over Diana's pert, jutting buttocks and squeezed them lovingly in her grasp. The young girl moaned and shivered, sighing with the intense pleasure of the woman's caress.

  Phyllis pulled her soft, spongy half moons apart and slithered her fingers up and down along the cleft of Diana's anal pit. The young girl almost leaped away from her the pleasure was so intense and her own, darling hands crept up along Phyllis's hard, flat stomach toward her full round breasts.

  Lovingly she wrapped her dainty fingers around the luscious globes. She kneaded and massaged the magnificent mounds, the tips of her thumbs riding back and forth over Phyllis's hard, rosy nipples. The woman groaned as the fiery agony began to build in her loins and she felt herself sucked downward into a swirling pool of aching desire.

  The two women swayed on their knees beside each other. Phyllis twirled and. pressed with her finger against Diana's tight, dark anal dot. She could feel the tiny entrance quivering in anticipation and need and the creamy, thick juices of the girl's lust began to flow as the seeking prong slowly slipped into the hot, damp pit of Diana's tortured bum.

  "Oooo, yes, yes," cooed the younger woman. She thrust her bottom against Phyllis's hand and bucked her soft, moist buttocks hard against the caressing palm. "Put it in me, yes! Ohhh, Phyllis, Phyllis, put your finger in my asshole now!"

  Phyllis no longer knew or cared where she was. All she could think about was her finger gently disappearing along Diana's tight, hot anal tunnel walls and the way the marvelous girl was gripping and teasing her tits, pulling on them and mashing them hard against her aching chest.

  She forced her finger deep into the burning asshole and twirled it around, feeling Diana buck and shiver with the penetration. Diana's mouth slithered down over her moist, warm neck, kissing and licking her way toward Phyllis's jiggling, round breasts.

  She lathered the creamy flesh with her pink, pointed tongue and nibbled hungrily on the alabaster mounds with her sharp, even teeth. Phyllis gasped and groaned, quaking with the wild sensations that were tearing through her tits and loins and she began to pump her finger in and out of the girl's asshole with a determined rhythm of love.

  Diana's hands traveled lovingly over Phyllis's body, kneading and tugging on her flesh, searching greedily for the older woman's moist, warm pit. She tickled the damp hair that surrounded her crotch, slithering her fingers up and down along the quivering cleft between her swollen cunt petals. She twirled her fingers around between them, spreading them apart, pinching them in her grip.

  "Oh, yes, oh, yes," sighed Phyllis, shivering uncontrollably. "In me, damn it, put them in me, now! Ahhh, it's so good, it's so very, very good!"

  Sighing happily, Diana gently rode two of her slender prongs along the taut, hot tunnel. The older woman bucked and groaned, thrusting her cunt hard against the seeking spears, thrilling to the luscious sensation of them tickling and scratching against her damp interior.

  Lovingly Diana forced her fingers deep into the boiling cave, burying them to the hilt in Phyllis's boiling pit. She found the rhythmic pumping of the woman's finger that was now riding steadily in and out of her sweet, pert bum and she joined the motion with her own digits, following Phyllis's every stroke. The two of them were gasping and moaning loudly now, swaying and shaking in spasms of uncontrollable ecstasy. They fell to their sides on the floor and drew their bodies tightly together, loving each touch they gave each other as their hands and mouths continued to assault their aching flesh.

  Diana rolled Phyllis onto her back and ran her tongue over the woman's glistening breasts. She opened her mouth and caught a single nipple between her sparkling, white teeth, sucking it over her lips, kissing the alabaster background of the delicious globe as she slashed hungrily at the woman's pert, rosy nipple.

  Phyllis groaned as the powerful pleasure tore through her. She drove her finger deep into Diana's bum and pulled the girl's
pussy around and toward her hungry mouth. She sighed in aching need as the sweet young lady lifted one leg over her head and settled her pussy down over Phyllis's eager mouth.

  "Eat me, Phyllis, eat me hard," the girl moaned in pleasure as she felt the older woman's lips caressing her damp, hot pussy lips. "Ohhh, God, God, eat me, Phyllis! Eat me, eat me, eat me!"

  Hungrily Phyllis slithered her tongue along the moist, damp cleft between Diana's twitching pussy petals. The lips parted willingly and allowed her to slither her tongue beyond her steaming entrance. She moaned as she felt the older woman drive her seeking love arrow deep into her throbbing cunt while she ground her hips and pussy hard on the chewing mouth.

  Lovingly Diana's own, precious lips ran over Phyllis's belly, tickling and catching the thin strands of cunt hair in her teeth. She curled her tongue around the woman's trembling clit and lathered it wickedly with her pink dart.. Phyllis felt an intense and fiery lust boiling powerfully in her loins and she thrust her pussy hard against the girl's working lips.

  Gently Diana slithered her tongue inside of Phyllis's quaking pit. The woman gasped and shuddered involuntarily as she felt the wonderful spear going deep inside of her aching cave.

  "Ohhh, God, God. Diana," she moaned. "Eat me, darling, eat me hard!"

  Diana forced more and more of her pleasing spear into Phyllis's pit, locking her teeth around the warm, slippery flesh of her cunt lips, sucking the marvelous and tasty juice from her damp cunt.

  Phyllis felt her body quaking with desire and she hungrily slid her tongue in and out of Diana's cave, sucking the juice from her cunt, feeling her finger touching the thin membrane that separated the girl's cunt from her anal tunnel. She rode both of her pleasing tools in and out of Diana's hot tunnel in a rhythmic, powerful motion, each stroke driving the girl deeper and deeper into the flaming pool of her desire.

  Now the two of them were locked tightly together in a frenzy of fire and passion that could not be denied. Their tongues rammed in and out of their pussies with a powerful, greedy force and they licked and sucked their pussy lips with a greedy wantonness. Faster and harder they ate at each other, both of them feeling their passion reaching the exquisite moment of release.